Design and building projects often throw up new issues. Those new issues include the efficient integration of electronic or energy generating devices into buildings, or frequently changing technical regulations which determine many aspects of building design and construction. But so too there are new solutions to new problems, as well as to old problems.
New materials are constantly appearing with beneficial aesthetic or technical properties. New equipment and components likewise may offer benefits. While many construction techniques remain based on manual craft practices, new fabrication and installation methods are advantageous in some circumstances. Part of my role, unseen by clients, is the evaluation of new developments, and judging when and where they are necessary or appropriate for any particular project, without ignoring established materials and techniques.
Social, economic and climate change means attention needs to be given to ensure buildings remain suitable, and adaptable, for decades after they are built. People are living longer, and designs, especially for dwellings, should be able to allow for old age, infirmity and even disability, as well as the changing patterns of family life.